
SICAE ELY : déploiement de compteurs communicants

A compter du vendredi 21 avril 2023, nouveaux horaires :

lundi de 17h à 19 h -  mercredi de 10h à 12 h -  vendredi de 16h30 à 18h30.

A compter du 1er janvier 2022, les dossiers d'urbanisme peuvent être déposés sur l'adresse suivante:

Rechercher sur le site


Cette semaine124
Ce mois1371

City hall is open

   on monday      : from 5PM to 7 PM

   on wednesday : from 10 AM to 12 AM
   on friday          : from 5PM to 7 PM

Postal adress :
2 rue des Plantes  78550 GRESSEY 

Phone :    Fax :   
Mail adress :


Gressey City HallA word from the Mayor :

Our peaceful small municipality of the canton of Houdan preserved partially its aspect of the last centuries. We still find there numerous houses of ancient construction, harmoniously restored and distributed among modern and recent constructions.

Life is enjoyable in Gressey and our projects for the future turn as much to our young generation, for the development of their ideas, as to the improvement of the services to our elder.

The integration in the CCPH facilitates this implementation, by the mutualization of needs and resources, and this factor of future pleads for inciting the newcomers to come to join our municipality, either to live there, that is to work it or simply to share our citizen ambition.

See you soon in Gressey

The mayor, Mr. Valéry Bertrand